
Yinka Shonibare MBE at The Brooklyn Museum

Yinka Shonibare artwork is meant to explore modern day African American identity to the relationships to European colonialism through painting, sculpture, installation, and moving image’. The exhibit will be shown in the Brooklyn Museum until Sept. 20, 2009

TopShop's Fall '09 collection

basically the designers at TopShop think that everyone can look like a million bucks(so cliche) without actually spending it...being a lover of shopping i understand the need of a dollar stretching these days while in between jobs...its rough. but i think the designers heard my cry and had a girl like me in mind.....

DUNK OF THE DAY: The Three Bears Pack

Three Bears Pack, released Novemeber 2006 by Bearbrick toys by Kubrick of Japan

Three Bears High: Light Umber/Hot House
Three Bears Mid: Light Umber/Watermelon
Three Bears Low: Light Umber/Grasshopper

Givenchy Couture A/W 2009

WeSC Fall/Winter 2009 Kazuki And Madsaki Collaborations

WeAretheSuperlativeConspiracy teamed up with Japanese creatives Kazuki Kuraishi and Madsaki. The pieces will be released Fall/Winter 2009 Collection.