
Vogue Italia x Black Barbie x The Black Issue

this is perfect for the bday. growing up on the southside, i used to love playing with my barbie dolls...their skin colors never mattered to me but i really loved my christie doll, she was so pretty and cool to me. well italian vogue did a issue dedicated to the Black Barbie the first black doll from the barbie line was introduced in 1967 as Black Francie, the first black barbie finally came on the scene in 1980....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous19 July, 2009

    RACH !!!!!!! lol. I dont know HOW I missed out on not having a Christie doll. Plenty of Barbies and ONE black Skipper doll though. I love Vogue Italia, I wouldve actually bought an issue by now .... If only I could read it.
